To Boost Male Fertility Consider These 10 Interesting Facts

To Boost Male Fertility Consider These 10 Interesting Facts

Are you thinking about starting a family and looking to boost your fertility naturally?

Over a third of infertility cases are associated with the male’s reproductive health1. But male fertility is often ignored by researchers and doctors, making it difficult for men to ask for information and help when needed.

In this article, we'll explore interesting male fertility facts to improve your chances of becoming a dad. You'll learn the answer to common male fertility questions like "Do male fertility vitamins work?" and "Does age affect men's fertility?"

10 Interesting Facts To Boost Male Fertility


1. A quality multivitamin is a must-have for boosting male fertility

Prenatal vitamin supplements are a must-have for women trying to conceive, but what about men?

A man needs a steady supply of amino acids, healthy fats, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants to create and sustain healthy sperm cells. However, it’s not easy to nail the nutrient density of your diet every day – which is why you need a daily multivitamin designed specifically for men.

Pay special attention to supplements containing male fertility nutrients like:

  • CoQ10
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Zinc
  • Selenium
  • Lycopene
  • Folic Acid

These nutrients have potent antioxidant properties, which improve semen quality2 and protect delicate sperm cells from oxidative damage.

Our For Chaps Men's Fertility Supplement contain a blend of these and other male fertility vitamins and herbs to support healthy testosterone levels, sexual function, and fertility.

2. Stress levels play a role in male infertility

While exciting, trying to conceive can also be a stressful experience for couples. Unfortunately, making babies is the last thing on your body's list of priorities when you're stressed! Chronic stress harms sperm cell motility and shape3.

Engaging in simple stress reduction habits can help you through the process. This may be a daily nature walk, laughing with friends, breathing deeply and slowly, and practising yoga and meditation. We also suggest taking a supplement with calming herbal extracts and reaching out to a mental health professional if needed.

3. Adaptogenic herbs boost men's fertility

Maca root, Rhodiola Rosea, Korean Ginseng, and Ashwagandha are herbal adaptogens that have been used by ancient civilizations for centuries to naturally improve stress resilience4, testosterone levels5, and libido6. Three things we know are crucial for your body to feel safe enough to reproduce!

For Chaps Men's Fertility Supplement contains high-quality herbal extracts proven to promote male fertility. They boost your sperm quality and sexual function.

4. Testicle temperature affects sperm health

Your body has some pretty cool thermoregulation mechanisms to ensure the testicles stay about 2 degrees cooler than the rest of the body to protect your sperm health. But even a slight increase in the temperature can contribute to male infertility7.

Here are a few tips to make sure your balls stay cool year-round:

  • Wear loose-fitting boxers instead of briefs or jockstraps
  • Wear trousers made from breathable cotton fabric
  • Don't spend a long time in heated pools, baths, or saunas
  • Don't work with a laptop on your lap
  • Don't use electric blankets and seat heaters
  • Avoid bicycle shorts and long bike rides if you're trying to conceive

Your sperm health will improve – and you'll feel more comfortable!

5. Male fertility declines with age

 It's not just women who need to worry about their biological clock ticking. Male fertility dives after the age of 45. Sure, older men can produce children – but it's not always easy! Semen volume and quality decline with age, and the risk of birth defects increases. Testosterone levels also decline, the male sex hormone crucial for healthy sperm production, libido, and sexual function.

If you’re thinking about conceiving with your partner, starting sooner rather than later may make the process easier.

6. Reducing alcohol improves sperm health

If you spend your evenings and weekends drinking heavily, your sperm health is at risk. Research shows heavy drinking – roughly 25 to 40 units of alcohol per week – lowers testosterone levels and significantly reduces sperm count, size, and motility (their ability to swim).8

But you don't have to quit altogether. Low to moderate alcohol consumption doesn't seem to have much of an impact on fertility.

7. Smokers have a lower chance of conceiving

 Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your fertility – and not just because your partner will find you more attractive without the ciggies!

Smoking is a well-known cause of low sperm count and motility9. Cigarettes contain a cocktail of harmful chemicals and toxins. They create a storm of oxidative damage in your body and reduce semen quality by depleting your antioxidant reserves. Plus, smoking also increases the risk of erectile dysfunction.

8. Toxins in everyday personal care products interfere with men's hormones

Did you know chemicals in household and body care products could be damaging your sperm health?

Synthetic ingredients like parabens and phthalates (tha-lates) are endocrine disruptors in the human body. They mimic oestrogen, the female sex hormone, which can interfere with male reproductive health. For example, phthalates have been linked to DNA damage in sperm cells10. Unfortunately, these ingredients are found abundantly in cleaning products, skin products, shampoos, deodorants, and aftershave.

If you're struggling with fertility, try cutting down on the number of personal care products you use daily. You can also look for cleaning products free from heavy metals, parabens, and phthalates.

9. Getting to sleep by 22:30 may improve sperm health

Getting enough quality shut-eye each night is crucial for fertility.

A 2016 study found that sleeping less than 6 hours or more than 9 hours per night impaired sperm motility and health.11 The ideal amount of sleep for quality semen seems to be 8 hours per night – and even better if you can get to bed by 10.30 pm!

10. Sexually transmitted infections are a cause of infertility

Sexual wellness is crucial at all stages of your sexually active life, but even more so when you start the journey to becoming a parent. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in males – like chlamydia and gonorrhoea – are lesser-known causes of infertility. And they put your partner at risk!

Consult your GP about a comprehensive STI screening to rule it out. If you have an infection, early treatment can prevent effects on your reproductive health.

Closing thoughts

We hope this article has given you some insight into the factors that affect male fertility.

In summary, you can increase the chance of conception by adopting the following lifestyle changes:

  • Taking a male-targeted multivitamin
  • Using adaptogenic herbs
  • Quitting smoking and reducing alcohol consumption
  • Keeping your testicles cool
  • Avoiding toxins and chemicals
  • Reducing your stress levels
  • Sleeping 7-8 hours per night
  • Treating STIs

We also have another article with more tips to improve male fertility


This article was created for informational purposes only and does not necessarily represent the views of For Chaps Ltd. It is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.



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